OMI TECHNOLOGIES is proud to offer .pk domain name registration as an authorized company from PKNIC. You can register .pk domain for Rs. 2500/2yrs. We can assist you all the way in PKNIC domain registration; .pk domains are activiated as soon as you register.
If you have a business or any entity which requires to show ‘.pk’ in the end of the URL in order to depict that you are Pakistan based, here we can assist you to have a ‘.pk domain registration’. Get your ‘.pk domain registration’ at much economical cost with us with full support in all manners
The .PK domain names can be registered as second-leve or third level domains.
Your domain name is at 2nd level after pk. These are the General Second Level Domains without suffix of,, etc
example: is a third level domain.
The following domains are available for as 3rd level .pk domains.